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Chicago DJ Services
- "Switch" - Begin with a quiet game like Switch. Divide the kids
into two teams and take Team A into another room. Team A must switch various
items of clothing or accessories with one another, then return to the game
room. Team B must try to guess all the switches that have been made within a
five-minute time period. Add up how many items Team B guessed correctly.
Then let Team B have a turn to "switch" and let Team A guess the
switches. The team with the most correct answers in the allotted time period
wins a prize.
- "Mummy Wrap" - Divide the kids into pairs, with one the Mummy
and the other the Mummy Wrapper. Give each wrapper a roll of toilet paper or
crepe paper streamer. On the word "Go!" have the wrappers race to
see who can wrap up their mummy first. The game is tricky because the faster
they try to wrap, the more the tissue will tear, causing them to keep
- "Price Is Right" - Here's a great wind-down game that also
serves as the going-away favor. Buy inexpensive gifts for your guests, such
as a big bag of candy, a small stuffed animal, a scary book, and so on.
Distribute paper and pencil to each player. Hold up one item and have the
kids try to guess how much it cost. Reveal the price tag and award the gift
to the player who guessed the closest. That player is out of the game, while
the rest continue guessing the prices of the gifts, until all of them are
- "Musical Present"- Gather the kids in a circle and give one of
the children a wrapped present. Play music and have them pass the present
around the circle. When the music stops, the child holding the present gets
to keep it, and then drop out of the game. Start another present around the
- "Feather Blow"- Give each of the kids a feather. When you say,
"GO!" the kids have to start blowing the feather in the air.
Whoever can keep the feather in the air the longest (using only his/her
breath) is the winner. This game can also be played in teams (the team to
keep the feather in the air longest using only breath wins)
- "Balloon Bounce"- Have a contest to see who can keep the balloon
in the air the longest using only their head. The person who can keep it in
the air longest without using anything but their head is the winner. (This
game can also be played in teams).
- "Balloon Challenge" - Have all the kids tie a lengthy ribbon to
a balloon on one side and their ankle on the other. when the songs
begins to play they have until the song ends to stomp out the other
contestants balloons. last person with a balloon that hasn't been
blown wins a prize.

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