Dj service, bi lingual d.j. Chicago wedding dj, Record Pool, record promotions, graduation, school dance, dj company, anniversary party, p a sound system, Spanish dj,

V.I.P. Chicago  DJ Services




Service Info

Record Pools Mailing List

We thank you for your interest in V.I.P. Chicago.
Please consider the following formats preferred by our radio and club DJ's.

CD 10 pieces with Artist Bio
Video 10 Pieces 

mp3 sent to our email as follow...

mp(the number three)

V.I.P. Chicago
3505 W. Fullerton Ave.
Chicago Il. 60647
Attn: DJ Vargas

(773) 772-5570


There is no charge for simply servicing our office, but we do have dedicated street teams available to help give you that extra push throughout Chicago.

Below is an example of one our proposals. Each project is considered unique however.

Feel free in writing or calling for a detailed quote on your project.


For: Marketing & Promotion Dept.
From: Vargas Independent Promotions

Thank you for your interest in Vargas Independent Promotions, (VIP Chicago).
VIP Chicago can dedicate itself toward promoting one specific project for a total of five, (5) weeks within our market. The cost for the first 5 weeks would be $1,500, with a $300 charge for an additional 2-week option thereafter, if and when said project remains the same.

Weekly plans are also available (2 week minimum required)

option featuring 2-3 man team  (additional) team members available as needed)
Radio promotions covering Chicago  and surrounding suburbs ( $300 a week).
Retail Merchandising, all p.o.p. must be provided by client, ($ 30. per store)
Flyer distribution (limit 5000 within the eight week plan) 0r $30 for each thousand and/or team member). 
Product awareness throughout, school, neighborhood and citywide events and nightclub promotions including release party or listening party ($250 a week).

Please Note: Some of these service’s can be billed as a separate merchandising project.
The staff at VIP Chicago can also create a separate merchandising plan, which includes some specific Ma and Pop stores along with local retail outlets.
For this promotion artist posters and album flats are required from the label.
There is a $30 charge for each store. (Note: this merchandising plan is already included with the 5-week package).

For flyers and post card distribution our office has a standard fee of $30.00 for each thousand flyers distributed by each team member (additional team members are available for a standard fee depending on specific needs). Client is solely responsible however, for any and all fines that may be issued by authorities within the target market.

A promotional party or event can also be set up with one of our associate nightclubs.
This would include prize giveaways and/or artist appearance. Price may vary depending on services rendered, and advance notice is absolutely required for artist care and management .

Special note:
Within our office we also have the V.I.P. Chicago record pool.
There is no charge for the servicing and distribution of your title to our DJ’s.

In either case: 

For best results we ask you please send 2 pieces for review including artist bio and
one-sheet to our office address below.

We thank you kindly for your time and ask you please realize this is a brief overview of what we are capable of doing for your wonderful company. Naturally we would insist on getting together with you by phone or in person so we can meet your specific needs and budget.

Feel free in calling or writing if we can answer any questions you may have.

V.I.P. CHICAGO 3505 W. FULLERTON CHICAGO IL.60647 (773) 772-5570 

PARA:    Departament de Promocion
DE:    Vargas Independent Promotions

Gracias por tu interes en Vargas Independent Promotions (VIP Chicago).   Vargas Independent Promotions es una compania que se compromete en promover un tema  o artista por un total de (5) semanas.  El costo por las primeras quatro semanas sera $1,500,  despues $300 cada dos semanas, siempre y cuando sea el mismo tema o artista.

Planes promocionales:
*  Promover el producto con los clubs y lugares de bailes
*  Mantener una lista de ventas con las discotecas locales (semanal)
*  Promover el producto con la radio emisoras locales

El personal de VIP Chicago puede montar portadas del artista en discotecas locales incluyendo algunas de la cadena Ritmo latino.   Para montar el puesto se necesita un minimo de 15 posters del artista al igual que portadas del album (flats).  Este servicio es addicional a lo anteriormente mencionada.  El costo de el servicio sera de $30 por discoteca. 

VIP Chicago puede asistirte en preparar una fiesta en un club nocturno para promover sierto tema o artista.   La compania disquera correra los gastos del este evento. 

Si la compania disquera desea promover el artista atraves de presentaciones en discotecas clubs e otros lugares.   VIP Chicago puede asistirte en escoger la fecha y los lugares.  Se necesita por lo menos un mes de anticipacion.  

No hay costo por distribuir el producto a los Clubs o Dj’s que son miembros de VIP Chicago.  La cantida de servicio depende de el tipo de musica.


V.I.P. CHICAGO 3505 W. FULLERTON CHICAGO IL.60647 (773) 772-5570




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© Copyright 1998

V.I.P. Chicago
3505 W. Fullerton, Chicago, IL 60647
All Rights Reserved